2020March, 25.

Antibiotic Risk
It was planned to let the general public know that the bacillus (drug-resistant bacterium) that antibiotics do not work exists. If the fungus is resistant, the medicine will not work for the disease that could have been treated with antibiotics until then, and in the worst case it will lead to the loss of life.

Prove antibiotic-free effect on colds

It is important not to use antibiotics for diseases that do not usually need them. The best example of a disease that does not require antibiotics is the cold that is being done at this time of year. "There are a variety of colds, such as nasal colds, cold scolds, and stomach colds, but nine percent of these are not bacteria, but due to viral infections such as coronavirus, rhinovirus, and adenovirus.

Antibiotics are a bacterial remedy, so they don't work for colds caused by viral infections."
